At the x symposium: on new foras of doing politics what is future city? ...


We will have an innovative presentation at this X Symposium on Future City, a political instrument formed at the beginning of 2013 in the city of Rosario, from the confluence of two autonomous social movements of the city, the Giros Movement and the 26 de Junio Movement, social movements that are referenced in the tradition of post-2001 experiences. 

They will present the method of political construction in concrete that has, according to their experience, a much greater power of conviction than giving a political discussion in the abstract. They tell us that in order to build a world where many worlds fit, we need to invite and convince that there is a different way to manage education, culture, production, marketing, community organization. Our work proposes a way to do this.

They will tell the experience of building this so-called ”movement party" that is Future City, whose objective is not only to represent in the State institutions but to be a materialized expression of society in movement.

It is a political instrument where: -territorial projects, -schools, -canteens/communal houses, -cultural spaces, -productive units, marketing, -media, -popular mandates in the municipal council of Rosario and other localities of the province of Santa Fe, and prefigurative policies of scale such as the urbanization of Nuevo Alberdi or the Public Food Company coexist. 

All these projects coexist in the same instrument because there is a hypothesis of political construction behind it: this critical process of disaffection that society has with politics must be sutured somehow. This is done from the bottom up, bringing decision-making closer to where those decisions have impact and linking the problems of everyday life with politics. We seek to capture in the present pieces of that city and that society that we want for tomorrow. 

We all agree that there is an unfair model of food production, that education is important, that culture is fundamental, etc, but few can say what a fair model is or how it would be. That's where Ciudad Futura shows us on a smaller scale, through a prefigurative and concrete practice, that there is a different model. 

This paper will be presented by Epifanía Estefanía Bianco and Alejandro Gelfuso. Estefanía is a member of Ciudad Futura. Territorial coordinator of the Future City center constituency. Coordinator of the Training Schools of the Foundation Cities Without Fear-Future City. Alejandro is a member of Ciudad Futura. Facts - Media Future City. Provincial development Coordinator of Future City. Degree in Social Communication UNR. PhD in Political Science.