
Outputs from the noviolence active to the problems that face the upper secondary education schools in the attention of cases of sexual violence


Erika Anselin Avila and Edith Barrera Chavira will present a presentation that proposes the challenge of guaranteeing safe educational environments, free of violence and committed to human rights through a process of active peace and noviolence and proposes strategies aimed at strengthening the ability to respond The schools, prioritizing the integral protection of the victims, the implementation of effective protocols and the promotion of efficient inter -institutional collaboration.

Call for proposals 10th International Symposium of the World Center for Humanist Studies


Between the 8th and 11th of May 2025, the tenth edition of the International Symposium of the World Center for Humanist Studies will be held, which on this occasion is entitled “UTOPIAS IN PROGRESS: Paths towards the Universal Human Nation”.

第十届世界人文主义研究中心国际研讨会 移动中的乌托邦








Context of the 10th WCHS International Symposium to be held 8-11 May 2025


Pathways to the Universal Human Nation
May 8-11, 2025

This Symposium is interested in unveiling the structure of the personal and social crisis that is going through the current historical moment. A crisis that causes deep discomfort to individuals and peoples and is fueled by the accumulation of distorted narratives of a capitalist, individualistic and predatory global system, which imposes its structure based on violence.

9th Symposium of the WCHS. Non-violence


In the context of the 9th WCHS Symposium, dedicated to the limits to overcome in order to get out of the unprecedented crisis that affects us, the eradication of violence is obviously one of the issues at stake.

The persistence of political and economic powers in using violence as a means to maintain or extend their hegemony, and the generalisation of violence as a basis of expression for human existence, lock humanity into destructive, pusillanimous and dead-end patterns.

9th Symposium of the WCHS. The question of gender and feminisms towards the construction of a nonviolent society


The gender issue is crossing our borders of thought. Today the issue of gender raises not only sexual diversity, but also includes identity, the relationship between peers and with other generations, the relationship with the world, the interpretation of reality, etc.

In parallel, it is increasingly evident to society that violence against women is an undeniable historical fact over the centuries; An issue that, according to feminist currents, responds to the patriarchal structure of today's society.

9th Symposium of the WCHS. Communication in the 21st century


The world is in crisis, however, there are overcoming actions that, driven by the people, cross borders. At the same time, the forces that are still dominant, responsible for the serious current social and environmental problems, seek to sustain discourses that slow down the processes of change and deepen conflicts, often reversing important achievements of social groups.

9th Symposium of the WCHS. Spirituality and Transcendence


Since the dawn of human history, the human being has had to face what can be defined as the limit par excellence: death.

Science, technology, philosophy and religions have struggled and continue to struggle against what seems to be an apparently insurmountable limit. It is true that considerable progress has been made in the treatment of many diseases that used to lead to premature death, but inexorably this continues to occur for all human beings, without excluding anyone.

Call for Papers  IX International Symposium World Center of Humanist Studies Crisis and Overcoming: Transcending the Frontiers of Thinking


We invite you to participate in the following thematic areas

Economy and Society Social Ecology 
Gender and feminisms
Indigenous People and Decolonization Movements Human Rights 
Conscience and the world 
Spirituality and Transcendence 
Non-violent society Communication for the 21st century 

9th Symposium of the World Centre of Humanist Studies Crisis and overcoming: Transcending the frontiers of thinking.


The situation of crisis that humanity is going through at the present time is evident. The crisis manifests itself at different levels and in all spheres of human action, thought and experience. History has recorded numerous crises that endangered the survival of human groups in different times and places, but in this case – as it was the case a few decades ago with the “cold war” – it is a global crisis.