Revolution as a way to be fully human


Speech by Vito Correddu from the “Salvatore Puledda” Centre for Humanist Studies at the 14th Philosophy Congress in Beijing on behalf of the World Centre for Humanist Studies.

Nowadays talking about revolution is a major reason for criticism. Naivety, obsolescence, and anti-historicity are common attributions from those dismissing idealism in favor of pragmatism.


Good Knowledge liberates

Intervention at the panel discussion "Good Knowledge for the future of Human Being", during the European Humanist Forum in Madrid, May 2018. "Good knowledge emerges right at the start of human history to address our species’ shortcomings. Its direction implies the transformation of the given conditions that cause pain and suffering. Good Knowledge assumes the clear intention to rebel against the absurdity of death, going far beyond the limits imposed by an apparently definite and unchanging natural state. This aim of the quest to overcome adverse circumstances is to expand human freedom."