Ethical Commitment

Ceremony of Ethical Commitment


We live in a world in which many are still willing to sell their knowledge and learning for any purpose. This has led to our planet being covered with machines of death. Others have used their ingenuity to invent methods to manipulate, silence, and put to sleep the consciousness of the people.

But all around the world there are also men and women who use Science and Knowledge to overcome poverty, hunger, pain, and suffering, to give voice and confidence to the oppressed.

Political action's ethics in Universal Humanism


Tomás Hirsch (Chile)*

At present relationships between ethics and politics are really complex and even tortuous. So much so both seem to be opposite and apparently incompatible universes. Almost every human activity has a well defined ethical code: there is a journalistic code, a medical one, and so on to every one different activity human beings must develop along life.


Ethics and peace in governmental political action


Fernando Garzón Orellana (Ecuador)*

In the origin and development of human communities, violence has manifested itself as an instrument to conquer the community of nature, and of some human groups against others, dominating them by military conditions, slavery, exploitation or political imposition. The superior state of the human being is peace, in its conscience, spirit, and its social environment and natural surroundings.


Ethics and humanist action


Acad. Boris Koval

Two decades went by from the moment in which the ideas of New Humanism took roots in Russia. Till that moment, the official ideology of Bolshevism ruled over for 70 years. Human being existence, its consciousness, morality and everyday activity had not an essential meaning and were not regarded as a goal, but as a means for the construction of socialist order. In the focus of attention was not the human being, but the State, more precisely, the bureaucratic party leadership.


International Symposium: Ethics in knowledge


“In a southern region of the world, in the locality of Punta de Vacas, near the roof of the West and during 3 days, over 500 people from all corners of the world: academics, politicians, scientists, researchers, educators, students and specialists in a diversity of disciplines, met to interchange about the present world situation and the necessary contributions to be made from all fields of knowledge in order to improve life in the planet.”

The 1° Symposium of the International World Center of Humanist Studies: "ETHICS IN KNOWLEDGE” opened at the Victor Jara Hall of the University of Santiago de Chile on November 11th, 2008, and continued on Nov 12th at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National University of Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina. The framework for the need of an ethical approach for all fields of human activity at the present time was developed.

Read the already available papers (in July 2009 the upload has started)
