At the x symposium: on new foras of doing politics what is future city? ...


We will have an innovative presentation at this X Symposium on Future City, a political instrument formed at the beginning of 2013 in the city of Rosario, from the confluence of two autonomous social movements of the city, the Giros Movement and the 26 de Junio Movement, social movements that are referenced in the tradition of post-2001 experiences. 

Round Table at the X Symposium: Exchange on demonstration effect experiences carried out at the local level


The International Federation of Humanist Parties will coordinate a Round table in which three full members of the humanist parties of Argentina, Chile and Belgium will participate where experiences that the humanist parties have been developing in their localities will be exchanged.

This Table takes place in the context in which people have lost confidence in political representatives worldwide and increasingly delegate responsibilities to the rulers.

In the X Symposium: gold rule workshop, forming non -violent communities


Workshop provided by Roberto Kohanoff, Argentine, architect and Siloísta since 1967 that presides over the Association for Noviolence. Co -author of books on the subject and participates in the formation of non -violent communities.

 These works with the Golden Rule are being promoted by humanistic teams that have been building with the Golden Rule enthusiastic, friendly and noviolent atmospheres from a vision of the human process opposed to the paradigm of the system that proposes to end the violence: with more violence!

Outputs from the noviolence active to the problems that face the upper secondary education schools in the attention of cases of sexual violence


Erika Anselin Avila and Edith Barrera Chavira will present a presentation that proposes the challenge of guaranteeing safe educational environments, free of violence and committed to human rights through a process of active peace and noviolence and proposes strategies aimed at strengthening the ability to respond The schools, prioritizing the integral protection of the victims, the implementation of effective protocols and the promotion of efficient inter -institutional collaboration.

Presentation of the Humanist International at the X Symposium


The Humanist International and the International Federation of Humanist Parties will present the initiative of the Humanist International for the effect they will pass a video of dissemination of the IH and then they will explain what the IH is and what its basic points are.  

The activities of the 2 Meetings held will be explained, as well as the future activities 

More about the 10th Symposium: learning from the knowledge of Andean cultures and their paramo conservation strategies


In this 10th Symposium we will have a discussion about how Andean ancestral knowledge  in the conservation of the Páramos provide concrete solutions to the climate and ecological crisis,  to the convergence of knowledge from the different cultures of the world, as well as to the utopia of a diverse and ecological planetary civilization.

At the 10th International Symposium, Stop Ecocide, a Possible Utopia!


Recognizing ecocide as the 5th Crime Against Peace in the International Criminal Court. Is it a utopia?

From this website we will be announcing the activities that will be carried out in our 10th International Symposium of the World Center for Humanist Studies, which will take place from May 8 to 11, 2025. 

Call for proposals 10th International Symposium of the World Center for Humanist Studies


Between the 8th and 11th of May 2025, the tenth edition of the International Symposium of the World Center for Humanist Studies will be held, which on this occasion is entitled “UTOPIAS IN PROGRESS: Paths towards the Universal Human Nation”.

第十届世界人文主义研究中心国际研讨会 移动中的乌托邦








Context of the 10th WCHS International Symposium to be held 8-11 May 2025


Pathways to the Universal Human Nation
May 8-11, 2025

This Symposium is interested in unveiling the structure of the personal and social crisis that is going through the current historical moment. A crisis that causes deep discomfort to individuals and peoples and is fueled by the accumulation of distorted narratives of a capitalist, individualistic and predatory global system, which imposes its structure based on violence.