
9th Symposium of the WCHS. Education and its contribution to transcending the frontiers of human thinking.


The crisis situation humanity is going through at the present time is evident. All spheres of action and thought are affected by it. Education is also immersed in it.

The school, for centuries, has been the place where new generations have met with previous generations in order to pass on their knowledge in order to transfer, build and value the cultural knowledge obtained so far.

Call for Papers  IX International Symposium World Center of Humanist Studies Crisis and Overcoming: Transcending the Frontiers of Thinking


We invite you to participate in the following thematic areas

Economy and Society Social Ecology 
Gender and feminisms
Indigenous People and Decolonization Movements Human Rights 
Conscience and the world 
Spirituality and Transcendence 
Non-violent society Communication for the 21st century 

9th Symposium of the World Centre of Humanist Studies Crisis and overcoming: Transcending the frontiers of thinking.


The situation of crisis that humanity is going through at the present time is evident. The crisis manifests itself at different levels and in all spheres of human action, thought and experience. History has recorded numerous crises that endangered the survival of human groups in different times and places, but in this case – as it was the case a few decades ago with the “cold war” – it is a global crisis.

8th HWCS International Symposium



Pluralistic exchanges from a world in crisis

16-17-18 April 2021

According to a set of beliefs that have been imposed on us, money, or a more updated version of it, would solve all the problems of the planet. It was enough to believe in it, and the sufferings and pains of humanity would finally be defeated. According to this, money would be the only thing worth pursuing.

Nonviolence: the only way out of the crisis today


[ Fulvio de Vita. 2009 ] The crisis we are going through pervades all the realms of human action. This crisis has been given different names: economic crisis, intercultural crisis, energy crisis, crisis of values, spiritual crisis…

But I think that it is important to note that behind all these crisis, there is a violent attitude by which many individuals and institutions tend to face the deep changes that are occurring in our time.